Online Services

Mesut Kılıç M.D.

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Anatolia Hospital Alanya

444 9 112

Areas of Expertise

  • • Bel Ağrısı Radyofrekans Tedavisi
  • • Total Protez Cerrahileri
  • • Omuz Cerrahisi
  • • Diz Cerrahisi
  • • Çocuk Ortopedi Hastalıkları
  • • Ekstremite ve Omurga Kırık Cerrahileri
  • • Omurga Cerrahisi (Skolyoz)


Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi -1998/2004



Atatürk Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D. -2005 /2010 


Mesleki Deneyimler          

2024- Halen : Özel Anatolia Hospital Alanya Hastanesi

2023-2024: Özel Akdeniz Şifa Hastanesi

2021- 2023: Özel Yaşam Hastanesi

2018-2021: Özel Atasam Hastanesi

2016-2018: Özel Uzmanlar Hastanesi 

2016: Fellov, Schön Klinik Vogtareuth, Omurga Merkezi Ortopedi & Travmatoloji, Almanya

2015: Observer, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Omurga Cerrahisi Merkezi Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Almanya

2013-2014: Omurga Cerrahisi Fellovluğu, Florance Nightingale, İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi İstanbul 

2010-2012: Oltu Devlet Hastanesi


Yabancı Dil




1) An evaluation of the functional and radiological results of percutaneous vertebroplasty versus conservative treatment for acute symptomatic osteoporotic spinal fracture -2016




3) The Effect of Ligamentum Teres Integrity on Hip Scores-2015


4) Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compressionfractures with percutaneous vertebroplasty underlocal anesthesia clinical and radiological results-2015


5) Neuraxial anesthesia after local anesthesia for management of percutaneous vertebroplasty complication during vertebroplasty-2014


6) Supraclavicular neuropathy after surgical treatment of clavicular fractures comparison of two incisions-2014


7) Comparison Of Efficacy Of Intraarticular Injection Of Levobucain Versus Levobucain And Prilocain Following Arthroscopy Of The Knee-2014


8) Bilateral Congenital Absence Of The Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle A Case Report-2013


9) Missed Lisfranc Dislocation in a Patient with Tibia and Fibula Fracture-2013


10) Comparison of long term results of two surgical techniques in PEV treatment-2013


11)Unusual cause of thigh abscess in infant following hepatitis B vaccine administration-2013


12) The effect of inferomedial screw on postoperative shoulder function and mechanical alignment in proximal humerus fractures-2013


13) Prevalence of the Association of Subacromial Impingement with Subcoracoid Impingement and Their Clinical Effects-2012


14) Isolated carpal scaphoid dislocation-2012


15) Quantitative Evaluation Of Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression Via MRI And Its Consistency With Clinical Status In Pateints-2011


16) What are the predictors of scapula fractures in high impact blunt trauma patients and why do we miss them in the emergency department-2011


17) Supercharged dorsoulnar island flap a case report and review of the literature-2011

TOTBİD: Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

TOD: Türk Omurga Derneği

ÇOD: Çocuk Ortopedisi Derneği