Areas of Expertise
- • Klinik Biyokimya
Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesi - 1979
Akdeniz Üniversitesi - 1984
İş Deneyimi
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1979-1984
Elazığ Devlet Hastanesi 1985-1987
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi- Öğretim Üyesi- Merkez Laboratuvar Sorumluluğu- Anabilim Dalı Başkanı- 1987-2020
Anatolia Hospital Aspendos 2023 - Halen
Yabancı Dil
Bilimsel Yayınlar:
- Effect of astaxanthin on hepatocellular injury following ischemia/reperfusion
Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Antalya, TurkeyThe effect of recombinant human granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (rHu GM-CSF) and rHu G-CSF administration on neutrophil chemiluminescence assay in patients following cyclic chemotherapy ,Matrix metalloproteinases-2, -3 and -9 in human term placentaMass spectrometric quantification of urinary human liver fatty acid binding protein in renal transplant recipientsNitrotyrosine formation and apoptosis in rat models of ocular injurySystemic toxicity of tacrolimus given by various routes and the response to dose reductionSuppressive effect of astaxanthin on retinal injury induced by elevated intraocular pressureAssociation between graft function and serum TNF-α, TNFR1 and TNFR2 levels in patients with kidney transplantationA multicenter nationwide reference intervals study for common biochemical analytes in Turkey using Abbott analyzersTransmission electron microscopy and autofluorescence findings in the cornea of diabetic rats treated with aminoguanidineLC-MS/MS analysis of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids in type 2 diabetic patients after insulin analog initiation therapyMaternal serum screening for Down's syndrome, open neural tube defects and trisomy 18Application of a new chemiluminescence method for the determination of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in healthy and enzyme-deficient individualsThe effects of detergents on t-butyl hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescencePrevalence of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency and normal values of enzyme in a Turkish populationPlasma homocysteine levels in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy and neovascular glaucomaContinuous monitoring of hydroperoxide-induced peroxidation in human erythrocytes by low-level chemiluminescenceErythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ( deficiency in Antalya province, Turkey: an epidemiologic and biochemical studyIncreased resistance to oxidative stress in normal and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient hemolysates in the presence of enzyme substrates,Effect of sulfur dioxide inhalation on erythrocyte antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in experimental diabetesThe role of antioxidants in the prevention of t-butyl hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence A chemiluminescence assay detecting the antioxidative effects of glutathione and uric acid on erythrocytes and hemolysates exposed to t-butyl hydroperoxide.
- Erytrocte Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency in Antalya province,Turkey,an epidemiologic and biochemical study. Aksu A,EsenF,Dolunay M,AlıcıgüzelY,Yucel G,Çalı S,Baykal Y.Am J Epidemiol1990 Jun 131(6)1094-7
Effect of vitamin E in the treatment of bovine albümin induced uveitis in rabbits. Yucel I, Paksoy N, Yucel G, Aksu G, Aksu A. 1992;24(3)129-33The effect of detergents on t-butyl hydroperoxide induced chemiluminescence. Gumuslu S,ErkılıcA, Yucel G, Serteser M, Ozben T. Int J Clin Lab Res 1996 ;26(3):203-6Continous monitoring of hydroperoxide induced peroxidation in human erythrocytes by low level chemiluminescence. Yesilkaya A, Yegin A, Yucel G, Alıcıguzel Y, Aksu A. Int J Clin Lab Res 1996:26(1)60-8The role of antioxidants in the prevention of t-butyl hydroperoxide induced chemiluminescence. Gumuslu S, Yucel G, Aydın M, Yesilkaya A, Demir AY, Aksu TA, Int zJ Clin Lab Res 1996:26(2)119-23A chemiluminescence assay detecting the antioxidative effects of glutathione and uric acid on erytrocytes and hemolysates exposed to t-butyl hydroperoxide. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 1997 8(1-2):45-56Incresed resistance to oxidative stress in normal and G6PD deficient hemolysates in the presence of enzyme substates. Yucel G, Yesilkaya A, Aksu TA, Yegin A, Alıcıguzel Y. Int J Clin Lab Res. 1997;27(1):55-59Prevalence of erytrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency and normal values of enzyme in a Turkish population. Akın H, Erkılıç A, Aksu A, Yucel G, Gumuslu S, Human Hered. 1997 Jan, Feb 47(1):42-6The effect of recombinant human granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor ( rHuGM-CSF ) and rKu G-CSF administration on neutrophile chemiluminescence assay in patients following cyclic chemotherapy. Aslan M, Yucel G, Bozcuk H, Savas B. Cancer Immunol Immunoter 1998 Nov 47(3):176-81 Maternal serum screening for Downs syndrome, open neural tube defects and trisomy 18. Akbas H, Ozben T, Alper O, Ugur A, Yucel G, Luleci G. Clin Chem Lab Med 2001 Jun 39(6):487-90 Effect of sulphur dioxide inhalation on erytrocyte antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in experimental diabettes. Agar A, Kucukatay V, Yargıcoglu P, Bilmen S, Gumuslu S, Yucel G. Diabettes Metab 2000 Apr 26(2):140-4 Plasma homocystein levels in noninsulin dependent diabettes mellitus with retinopathy and neovascular glaucoma. Yucel I, Yucel G, Muftuoglu F. Int Ophthalmol.2004 Jul 25(4):201-5 Application of a new chemiluminescence method for the determination of G6PD activity in healthy and enzyme deficient individuals. Gumuslu S, Yucel G, Bilmen S, Serteser M, J Pharmacol Toxico Methods 2005 Mar-apr 51(2):169-74 Systemic toxicity of tacrolimus given by various routes and the responce to döşe reduction. Akar Y, Yucel G, Durukan A, Yucel I, Arıcı G. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2005 Feb 33(1):53-9 Nitrotyrosine formation and apoptosis in rat models of ocular injury. Aslan M, Yucel I, Akar Y, Yucel G, Çiftcioglu A, Sanlıoglu S. Free Radic Res 2006 Feb 40(2):147-53 Matrix metaloproteinases 2-3 and 9 in human term placenta. Weusten Demir A, Seval Y, Kaufmann P, Demir Rç Yucel G, Huppertz B, Acta Histochem 2007;109(5):403-12 Prevalence of rhumatoid artritis in Antalya Turkey, Kacar Cç Gilgil E,…..Yucel G, …… 2005 Jun 24(3):212-4 Effect of astaxsanthine on hepatocellular injury following ischeamia/reperfusion. Curek G, Cort A, Yucel G, et all.Toxicology 2010 Jan 12;267(1,3)147-53 LS-MS/MS analysis of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids in type 2 diabetic patients after insülin analog initiation therapy. Aslan M,Özcan F, Aslan I, Yucel G, Lipids Health Dis 2013 Nov 6:12;169 A multicenter nationwide reference intervals study for common biochemical analytes in Turkey using Abbott analysers. Ozarda Y, Ishihara K, Aslan D, ….Yucel G,…..2014 Dec ; 52(12):1823-33 Association between graft function and serum TNF alpha, TNF R1,TNF R2 levels in patients with kidney transplantation. Budak D, Yılmaz V,T, Akbas H, Suleymanlar G, Yucel G. Ren Fail 2015 Jun 37(5):871-6 Supressive effect of astaxsanthine on retinal injury induced by elevated intraocular pressure. Cort A, Ozturk N, Akpınar D, Unal M, Yucel G, Çiftcioglu A, Yargıcoglu P, Aslan M. Regul Toxicol 2010 Oct 58(1):121-30
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AACC (American Association of Clinical Chemistry)
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