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Water Vapor Therapy for Benign Prostate Enlargement (REZUM)


Water Vapor Therapy for Bening Prostate Enlargement (REZUM) is FDA approved and widely used in the United States and Europe. The treatment uses water vapor or natural energy stored in the vapor to provide significant benefits in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement. It usually starts to work within 2 weeks and reaches maximum effect in 3 months.


How Does Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) Work?

During each 9-second treatment, sterile water vapor is released through the targeted prostate tissue. When the vapor makes contact with the prostate tissue, all stored energy is released into the tissue. 


Over time, your body's natural healing response absorbs the treated tissue, shrinking the prostate. 


Most patients begin to experience symptom relief within two weeks and maximum benefit can occur within three months. This may vary depending on patient physiology.


Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) is a minimally invasive method used to treat benign prostate enlargement (BPH). This method is a treatment option to alleviate urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate gland. The main purpose of Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) is to heat the prostate tissue with water vapor and cause the prostate to shrink with the release of steam.


The advantages of Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) are:

1. Minimally Invasive: Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) is an endoscopic method. Patients are treated without the need for a skin incision.


2. Fast Recovery: The recovery process after Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) treatment is usually fast and patients can return to their normal daily activities more quickly.


3. Long Term Effectiveness: The benefits of Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM), such as the shrinking of the prostate and improved urine flow, continue over the long term.


4. Does Not Affect Sexual Functions: Water Vapor Therapy (REZUM) does not negatively affect sexual functions, which can be considered an advantage over other therapy options. It is almost the only therapy method among prostate surgeries that does not affect ejaculation.


5. Single Session Treatment: Being a treatment that can usually be completed in a single session provides a comfortable experience for patients.


Mustafa Burak Hoşcan M.D.


Anatolia Hospital Antalya

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