Visitors are allowed in accordance with the procedures and principles determined in our hospital and in a way that will not disturb the peace of the patients. We would like to emphasize that you should help the staff in terms of your patient's health and that you should not visit patients without getting information from our healthcare professionals about the procedures and principles determined within the framework of our hospital's visit policy.
Patient visits are made within the visiting hours determined by our hospital. The visiting hours between 10:00-20:30 are organized taking into account the care and resting times of our patients. The duration of visit should not be too long. Please make sure that your visit does not exceed 10 minutes and that there are no more than 2 visitors in the room.
It is necessary to use cell phones in silent mode in the hospital to prevent noise pollution.
People with complaints such as fever, cough, sneezing and sputum, people with a known infectious disease, people with any chronic disease, people who are prone to infection and children under 12 years of age should not be brought to the hospital to visit patients as much as possible, as their body resistance is weaker than adults unless they are sick. However, in some cases, since children's visits may have positive effects on patient recovery, children and siblings of the patient may be allowed to visit in a controlled manner, provided that infection control principles are followed.
In special cases where the attending physician does not allow patient visits, in the presence of an epidemic and visit restrictions may be imposed. Please do not insist on visiting in such cases for the health of your patient.
Smoking is prohibited inside Healthcare Institutions.
Please do not bring any food and drink from outside.
Do not bring live flowers when visiting. Flowers are not accepted in the patient wards as they pose a risk of infection for the patient. The flowers are taken by the information desk and delivered to the patient during discharge.
When you see a warning on the patient’s room door during the visit, do not enter the patient room without consulting the nurse. In cases requiring contact with the patient under isolation, follow the instructions given by the health staff in taking the necessary precautions according to the isolation category.
In departments with special patient groups (such as intensive care), visitors are accepted with specific rules.